Excited to work with you!


As an avid reader and lover of animation, moving her career to VoiceOver and Narration was an easy decision for Shane Martinez. With a soothing yet light, enthusiastic tone she is your authentic best friend that is always there to give you the hard truth, help you grow your delusions, teach you new hobbies, or take you on adventures. No matter the format, the voice is always an adventure of sound. 

With a love of nonfiction and classics, cozy romance and fantasy adventure, Martinez has travelled the universe in her diversity of reading and entertainment. Learning new cultures and finding new forms of entertainment has always been her go to for growth. From a veritable Southern drawl to a potent British accent, child like wonder to wisened sage, we can travel to all new worlds together.

Just Some Fun

Martinez' hobbies include reading, cooking, throwing a frisbee for her two adorable Labs, Belle Pepper and Bruce Anne, and spending as much time outside in the Southern sun as possible (with sunscreen of course!). 

Married to the most amazing man, Joe Stevens, Martinez is a proud mother of two grown kids each pursuing their own passions in art and filmmaking. 

Martinez also enjoys constantly learning...through webinars or podcasts, in person VO workouts and zoom acting classes, each week takes her closer to the goals and ambitions she has set forth for herself.
